Blog Starter Kit with Sanity

Blog Starter Kit with Sanity
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind

The Next.js and Sanity Statically Generated Blog example is a project template that demonstrates how to create a statically generated blog using Next.js as the framework and Sanity as the data source. This example provides a step-by-step guide on setting up the project, running it locally, populating content, deploying it to production, and using features like Preview Mode and On-demand revalidation. Here’s a summary of the steps:

Step 1: Set up the Environment

  • Use the Deploy Button to deploy the example using Vercel and connect it to your Sanity dataset using the Sanity Vercel Integration.
  • Clone the repository created by Vercel and link your clone to Vercel using npx vercel link.
  • Download the necessary environment variables using npx vercel env pull.

Step 2: Run Next.js Locally in Development Mode

  • Install dependencies and run Next.js in development mode with npm install && npm run dev or yarn install && yarn dev.

Step 3: Populate Content

  • Start the Sanity Studio in another terminal with npm run studio:dev.
  • Create content in Sanity Studio and live preview it in Next.js, side-by-side.

Step 4: Deploy to Production & Use Preview Mode from Anywhere

  • If you haven’t deployed with Vercel, do so now.
  • Configure CORS for production by adding your production URL to the list of CORS origins.
  • Add the preview secret environment variable using npx vercel env add SANITY_STUDIO_PREVIEW_SECRET.
  • Redeploy production to apply the secret.
  • Test locally that the secret is set up correctly.
  • Start Preview Mode for Next.js in production from a local Studio using SANITY_STUDIO_PREVIEW_URL=[your production url] npm run studio:dev.
  • To revoke access to the preview link, create a new secret.

Step 5: Deploy Your Studio and Publish from Anywhere

  • Deploy your Studio and enable real-time content collaboration.

Step 6: Setup Revalidation Webhook

  • Create a secret for webhook verification using npx vercel env add SANITY_REVALIDATE_SECRET.
  • Apply the secret to production with npx vercel --prod.
  • Set up a webhook in Sanity Studio for On-demand Revalidation.
  • Test the webhook by editing and publishing content in Sanity Studio.

This example showcases how to create a blog that leverages the power of Next.js and Sanity, with features like real-time previews, on-demand revalidation, and collaboration capabilities.

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