Blog with Agility CMS and Next.js

Blog with Agility CMS and Next.js
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind

The Agility CMS & Next.js Starter is a sample Next.js starter site that integrates with Agility CMS, providing a foundation for building fully static websites using Next.js and Agility CMS. Here’s an overview of how to get started with this starter:

Live Website Demo:

You can explore a live demo of this starter on the provided website.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up for Agility CMS: If you’re new to Agility CMS, sign up for a free account.
  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the provided GitHub repository.
  3. Install Dependencies: Run npm install or yarn install to install the required dependencies.
  4. Rename .env.local.example: Rename the .env.local.example file to .env.local.
  5. Retrieve API Keys: Retrieve your GUID, API Keys (Preview/Fetch), and Security Key from Agility CMS by going to Settings > API Keys.

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