Fauna Starter Kit

Fauna Starter Kit
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: Fauna
  • Overview: A Guestbook Application example demonstrating how to integrate Fauna with a Next.js project.
  • Deployment:
    • Easily deploy the example using Vercel’s one-click deployment feature.

Getting Started:

  • Initialization: Start a new Next.js project using create-next-app with the Fauna template:
    • Using npm: npx create-next-app --example with-fauna with-fauna-app
    • Using Yarn: yarn create next-app --example with-fauna with-fauna-app
    • Using pnpm: pnpm create next-app --example with-fauna with-fauna-app
  • The template can also be initialized by manually downloading the repository.

Setting Up Fauna Database:

  • Database Creation: Navigate to the Fauna Dashboard to create a new database, suggested name nextjs-guestbook.
  • Collection Creation: Within the new database, create a collection named Entry.
  • Access Key: Generate a new database access key for connecting your application to the Fauna database.
  • A tutorial video is available for detailed instructions on database connection setup.

Local Development:

  • Installation: After cloning or initializing the template, install dependencies with npm install.
  • Development Server: Launch the development server with npm run dev to start the application locally on http://localhost:3000.

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