Glide Publishing Platform - Next.js Starter

Glide Publishing Platform - Next.js Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: CSS-in-JSX, Vanilla CSS
  • Introduction to Glide Publishing Platform (GPP):
    • Specializes in content management to enhance engagement, revenues, and content production.
    • Offers a Bootstrap application built on Next.js to facilitate the development of responsive, mobile-friendly websites and applications.
    • Provides out-of-the-box features like dynamic routing, API toolkits, and client-side rendering, with easy customization and functionality extension.

Application Setup:

  • Environment API Details:
    • Obtain environment API details from a GPP representative for initial setup.
    • The introductory screen on Vercel deployment provides a welcome message, useful links, and other pertinent information.
  • Vercel Environment Variables:
    • Configure mandatory and optional environment variables in Vercel settings:
      • Mandatory:
        • CONNECT_API_URL: The URL for the GPP API.
        • CONNECT_API_KEY: The key for accessing the GPP API.
        • MEDIA_BASE_PATH: The base path for GPP media content.
      • Optional:
        • PREGENERATE_PATHS: An array of slugs to be pre-generated, e.g., PREGENERATE_PATHS=["","sport","news"].


  • Upon successful deployment, a confirmation message indicates correct application configuration.
  • This message persists until the first page is created and published in Glide.

Components and Customization:

  • The deployment includes generic components usable within the CMS app configuration or for custom functionalities and extensions.
  • Detailed documentation is available for further exploration of the application’s capabilities and features.

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