Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind

Key Features:

  • Utility-first CSS with Tailwind CSS.
  • Animations powered by Framer Motion.
  • Cart functionality using Shopify Buy SDK.
  • Real-time product inventory checks with SWR.
  • Customizable product filtering and sorting.
  • Klaviyo waitlist and newsletter forms.
  • Dynamic page routes for custom pages.
  • Automatic sitemap.xml and robots.txt generation.
  • SEO optimization with JSON-LD Schema.
  • Shopify integration for product sync.
  • Global cart and product photo galleries.


  • Easy deployment on Vercel.
  • Manual setup guide for Sanity, Shopify, and Next.js.
  • Pre-configured development environment.
  • Customization options for styling.


  • Accessibility and SEO features included.
  • Marketing starter branch available.
  • MIT License.

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