Mux Video Starter

Mux Video Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
  • Overview: A Next.js example that integrates Mux Video for video uploading and playback, demonstrating API-first video platform capabilities.


Getting Started:

  • Initialization: Bootstrap the project using create-next-app with the Mux Video example template:
    • npx create-next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app
    • yarn create next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app
    • pnpm create next-app --example with-mux-video with-mux-video-app

Security Note:

  • Update the cors_origin in pages/api/upload.js to restrict uploads to your application domain for enhanced security.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes SWR for dynamic data fetching with adjustable refreshInterval.
  • Employs /pages/api routes for authenticated requests to the Mux API.
  • Implements dynamic and static routing, including dynamic API routes.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Mux Account Setup: Sign up for Mux and obtain an API access token from the dashboard settings.
  2. Environment Variables:
    • Copy .env.local.example to .env.local and configure it with your Mux API token ID and secret.
  3. Deployment:
    • Deploy the application to Vercel, setting up the necessary environment variables via the Vercel CLI or dashboard.

Deployment on Vercel:

  • Use Vercel CLI to add environment variables (MUX_TOKEN_ID and MUX_TOKEN_SECRET) as secrets.
  • Deploy the project by pushing it to a Git repository and importing it to Vercel.

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