Next.js Baselime Template with OpenTelemetry

Next.js Baselime Template with OpenTelemetry
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
  • Project Overview: A Next.js application enhanced with OpenTelemetry for comprehensive monitoring, including Real User Monitoring (RUM), and integrated with Baselime for log and trace management.
  • Deployment: Optimized for deployment on Vercel, ensuring seamless hosting and performance.
  • Logging Integration:
    • Baselime Vercel Integration: Automates the setup of a log drain to capture all logs from Vercel-hosted projects, streamlining the logging process.
  • Distributed Tracing:
    • OpenTelemetry Instrumentation: The application is equipped with Baselime’s OpenTelemetry SDK tailored for Next.js, facilitating the automatic capture and export of distributed traces to Baselime for detailed analysis.
  • Development Instructions:
    • Start the development server using one of the provided commands (npm run dev, yarn dev, pnpm dev, or bun dev).
    • Access the application at http://localhost:3000 and begin editing by modifying app/page.tsx, with live updates as changes are made.
  • Additional Resources:
    • Baselime Documentation: For further information on Baselime’s features and capabilities, refer to the official documentation.
    • Baselime Console: Visit the Baselime Console to view logs and traces of deployed applications, aiding in performance analysis and debugging.

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