Next.js Flask Starter

Next.js Flask Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
  • Overview: A hybrid application combining Next.js for the frontend and Flask for the API backend, ideal for integrating Python AI libraries into Next.js apps.
  • How It Works:
    • The Flask server is integrated within the Next.js app under the /api/ path.
    • Using next.config.js rewrites, requests to /api/:path* are directed to the Flask API located in the /api directory.
    • Locally, rewrites target the Flask server at
    • In production, the Flask server operates as serverless functions on Vercel.
  • Demo: View the live demo at
  • Deploying:
    • The app can be easily deployed to Vercel with a single click through the provided option.
  • Local Development:
    • Clone and set up the repository using npx create-next-app with the specified example URL.
  • Getting Started:
    • Install necessary dependencies using npm, yarn, or pnpm.
    • Launch the development server with the corresponding start command.
    • Access the app locally at http://localhost:3000 and the Flask server at
    • Adjust the Flask server port in package.json and next.config.js as needed.
  • Learning Resources:
    • Explore Next.js documentation and tutorials for more insights on its features.
    • Delve into the Flask documentation to understand its capabilities.
    • Contributions and feedback are encouraged on the Next.js GitHub repository.

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