Partial Prerendering

Partial Prerendering
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
  • Overview: A demonstration of Next.js utilizing the Partial Prerendering feature to combine the benefits of static site generation with dynamic delivery capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Next.js App Router: Incorporates the new router system which supports enhanced layouts, component colocation, testing, styles, and component-level data fetching.
  • Partial Prerendering (PPR): Utilizes the experimental PPR feature in Next.js 14 to deliver fast static content at the edge while retaining dynamic content capabilities.


  • Experimental Flag: PPR is enabled by setting the experimental.ppr flag to true in next.config.js.
  • Dynamic Content: Uses React’s <Suspense /> component to wrap dynamic content that benefits from PPR.


  • Experimental Status: PPR is currently experimental and not recommended for production use due to potential issues, particularly in larger codebases.

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