Partner Gallery

Partner Gallery
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: Supabase

Supabase Partner Gallery Example

An example Next.js website that shows Postgres Full Text Search, next-image with Supabase Storage, and sending emails based on an insert trigger with Supabase Edge Functions.


  1. Click the “Deploy” button above and run through the setup steps. This will automatically set your Supabase env vars and set up the Database schema located in the migrations folder.

  2. Deploy Supabase Edge Function for contact form notifications:

    supabase link --project-ref your-project-ref
    supabase secrets set SMTP_HOSTNAME="" SMTP_PORT="2587" SMTP_USERNAME="your_username" SMTP_PASSWORD="your_password" SMTP_FROM="" SMTP_TO="" FUNCTION_SECRET="your-random-secret"
    supabase functions deploy contact-notification

    Note: SMTP_PORT must be a port other than 25465, and 587 as Deno Deploy does not support outgoing connections to ports. AWS SES (port 2587) is recommended.

  3. Setup a Supabase Function Hook to trigger the function when a new row is inserted into partner_contacts

  4. Within Vercel project settings, ensure Framework Preset is set to Next.js and Root Directory is set to app.

  5. Insert partners into the partners table.

  6. Celebrate together 🎉


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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.