Precedent – Next.js Starter

Precedent – Next.js Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: Other
  • Precedent Overview: A curated collection of components, hooks, and utilities designed specifically for Next.js projects, offering a streamlined development experience.
  • One-click Deploy: Effortlessly deploy the template to Vercel with a simple click, or clone and set up the repository locally using npx create-next-app.
  • Installation: Easy dependency installation with support for npm, yarn, or pnpm.
  • Tech Stack & Features:
    • Frameworks: Leverages Next.js for app performance and Auth.js for seamless user authentication across various providers.
    • Platforms: Integrated with Vercel for straightforward previewing and deployment, alongside Vercel Postgres for serverless database solutions.
    • UI: Employs Tailwind CSS for rapid UI development, Radix for essential UI primitives, Framer Motion for component animations, Lucide for crisp icons, and next/font alongside ImageResponse for optimized font handling and dynamic image generation.
    • Hooks and Utilities: Includes hooks like useIntersectionObserver for viewport detection, useLocalStorage for data persistence, and utilities for number formatting, string capitalization, and more.
    • Code Quality: Ensures high code standards with TypeScript for type safety, Prettier for consistent formatting, and ESLint tailored for Next.js and TypeScript.
    • Miscellaneous: Features Vercel Analytics for comprehensive yet privacy-conscious visitor tracking.
  • Author: Created by Steven Tey, known as @steventey on social platforms.

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