Replicache Starter

Replicache Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Vanilla CSS
Database: Supabase
  • Replicache: Replicache is a framework for creating multiplayer web applications. It enables real-time collaboration, instant UI updates, and offline resilience.
  • Template: This template creates a Replicache-powered todo list using Vercel, Next.js, and Supabase. It serves as a starting point for building Replicache-powered apps.
  • Install: The installation process involves creating a Supabase project and then deploying this template. You’ll need the database password from Supabase during the deployment.
  • Documentation: The complete Replicache documentation can be found at
  • Get Help: Users can seek assistance and support on Discord for setting up and getting started with Replicache.

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