Roadmap Voting Starter Kit

Roadmap Voting Starter Kit
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: Vercel KV
  • Project Overview: A Next.js-based roadmap voting application that utilizes Redis for data storage, allowing users to submit and vote on feature requests.
  • User Interaction:
    • Feature Submission: Users can add items to the roadmap as potential features.
    • Voting: Users have the ability to upvote items they support or are interested in.
    • Notifications: An option for users to enter their email addresses to receive updates on items they’ve interacted with or are released.
  • Demo: Experience the application live at
  • Deployment:
    • Data Storage: Utilizes Upstash for serverless Redis database integration, offering an effortless setup during deployment on Vercel.
    • Vercel Integration: The deployment process is streamlined with Vercel, automatically setting up a free Redis database through Upstash and linking it to the project.
  • Setup Instructions:
    • Application Initialization: Start by creating a new Next.js application using create-next-app with the Redis example template through npm, Yarn, or pnpm.
    • Deployment: Follow the Vercel documentation to deploy the application to the cloud, taking advantage of the seamless integration with Upstash for Redis database services.

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