
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: PlanetScale
  • Project Overview:
    • An experimental application built with the latest features of Next.js 13, such as the new router, server components, and more.
    • Intended to explore the implementation of modern app features like authentication, subscriptions, API routes, and static pages.

Development Status:

  • Work in Progress: The app is currently under development, and progress updates are shared on Twitter by @shadcn.
  • Roadmap: Future updates include adding MDX support, building marketing pages, implementing subscriptions with Stripe, and responsive styling.

Performance Note:

  • Beta Features: Utilizes unstable releases of Next.js 13 and React 18. Performance may be impacted as new router and app directory features are still in beta.

Key Features:

  • Application Structure: Incorporates the new /app directory, with features like routing, layouts, and nested layout groups.
  • Data Management: Handles data fetching, caching, and mutation, along with a loading UI.
  • Route Handling: Includes route handlers and metadata files.
  • Server and Client Components: Uses both server and client components for rendering.
  • API and Middleware: Implements API routes and middlewares.
  • Authentication: Integrates NextAuth.js for user authentication.
  • ORM and Database: Utilizes Prisma ORM with a PlanetScale database.
  • UI Components: Built with Radix UI.
  • Documentation and Blog: Manages content with MDX and Contentlayer.
  • Subscriptions: Manages subscriptions using Stripe.
  • Styling: Styled with Tailwind CSS and supports validations using Zod.
  • Programming Language: Written in TypeScript.

Known Issues:

  • Lists current limitations, including issues with GitHub authentication, Prisma file access, and client-side navigation in Next.js 13.

Local Setup:

  • Dependencies: Install dependencies using pnpm install.
  • Environment Variables: Copy .env.example to .env.local and update variables.
  • Development Server: Start with pnpm dev.


  • The project is licensed under the MIT license.

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