Tigris Starter

Tigris Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: CSS Modules
Database: Tigris
  • Overview: A starter template for building a simple todo app using Next.js and Tigris, deployed on Vercel. Tigris offers a fully-managed data platform with serverless document databases and full-text search capabilities.
  • Project Demo: View the live demo at https://tigris-nextjs-starter-kit.vercel.app/.

Deploying the App:

  • Requires GitHub, Vercel, and Tigris accounts (Tigris offers free sign-up).
  • Deploy the app to Vercel using the “Deploy” button and follow the instructions.

Running Locally:

  • Prerequisites:
    • Tigris CLI installed (macOS: brew install tigrisdata/tigris/tigris-cli, other OS: refer to Tigris installation guide).
    • Node.js version 16 or higher.
  • Instructions:
    • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/tigrisdata/tigris-vercel-starter.
    • Install dependencies: cd tigris-vercel-starter && npm install.
    • Start the Tigris local development environment: tigris dev start.
    • Run the Next.js server: npm run dev.

Code Walkthrough:

  • Structure:
    • db/models/todoItems.ts: Defines the todoItems collection for storing todo items.
    • lib/tigris.ts: Configures the Tigris client using environment variables.
    • API routes under pages/api/ handle CRUD operations for todo items.
  • API Endpoints:
    • GET /api/items: Fetches all todo items.
    • POST /api/items: Adds a new todo item.
    • GET /api/items/search?q=query: Searches for todo items matching a query.
    • GET, PUT, DELETE /api/item/{id}: Fetches, updates, or deletes a specific todo item.

Next Steps:

  • Encourages further customization and functionality enhancement of the app, exploring more about Tigris.


  • Contributions are welcome via forking the repo and submitting pull requests or opening issues. Contributors are encouraged to star the project.

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