Turborepo Kitchen Sink Starter

Turborepo Kitchen Sink Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js, Remix
CSS: Vanilla CSS
  • Starter Overview: An official Turborepo starter that integrates multiple meta-frameworks and demonstrates Workspace Configurations.
  • Getting Started:
    • Initialize the kitchen sink Turborepo project by executing npx create-turbo@latest -e kitchen-sink.

Included Apps and Packages:

  • Apps:
    • api: An Express server for backend APIs.
    • storefront: A Next.js application for the main storefront.
    • admin: A Vite-based single-page application for administration.
    • blog: A Remix app for blogging.
  • Packages:
    • @repo/logger: An isomorphic logger, essentially a wrapper around console.log.
    • @repo/ui: A basic React UI library featuring a <CounterButton> component.
    • scripts: Contains Jest for testing and ESLint configurations for linting.
    • @repo/typescript-config: Shared tsconfig.json settings for TypeScript across the monorepo.

Utilities Setup:

  • TypeScript for type safety and static type checking.
  • ESLint for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
  • Jest as the test runner for JavaScript testing.
  • Prettier for automated code formatting.

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