Turborepo & Next.js Starter

Turborepo & Next.js Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Vanilla CSS
  • Starter Overview: An official Turborepo starter for setting up a monorepo project structure.
  • Getting Started:
    • Initialize a new Turborepo project by running npx create-turbo@latest.

Included Packages/Apps:

  • Apps:
    • docs: A Next.js application for documentation.
    • web: Another Next.js application for the main website.
  • Packages:
    • @repo/ui: A React component library shared by both the web and docs applications.
    • @repo/eslint-config: Contains ESLint configurations, including presets for Next.js and Prettier.
    • @repo/typescript-config: Shared tsconfig.json settings for TypeScript across the monorepo.

Utilities Setup:

  • TypeScript for static type checking.
  • ESLint for code linting.
  • Prettier for code formatting.

Development Commands:

  • Build: Compile all apps and packages with pnpm build from the root directory.
  • Develop: Start a development environment for all apps and packages with pnpm dev.

Remote Caching with Turborepo:

  • Turborepo supports Remote Caching to share cache artifacts across different machines, beneficial for teams and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Enable Remote Caching by linking your Turborepo to a Vercel account using npx turbo login and npx turbo link.

Useful Resources:

  • Explore various Turborepo capabilities such as tasks, caching (both local and remote), filtering, configuration options, and CLI usage through the official Turborepo documentation.

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