Turborepo & React Native Starter

Turborepo & React Native Starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js, React
CSS: Vanilla CSS
  • Overview: An official Turborepo starter designed for projects that include both React Native and React Native for Web, enabling a unified codebase for mobile and web applications.

Getting Started:

  • Initialize the starter by running npx create-turbo@latest -e with-react-native-web.

Included Apps and Packages:

  • Apps:
    • native: A React Native application configured with Expo for mobile development.
    • web: A Next.js application utilizing React Native for Web to bring React Native components and APIs to the web platform.
  • Packages:
    • @repo/ui: A shared React Native component library used across both web and native apps.
    • @repo/typescript-config: Shared TypeScript configurations (tsconfig.json) across the monorepo.

Utilities Setup:

  • Expo is integrated for streamlined React Native development and testing.
  • TypeScript is configured for type safety and better code quality.
  • Prettier is included for consistent code formatting across the project.

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