Video Course Starter Kit

Video Course Starter Kit
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
Database: PlanetScale

The Video Course Starter Kit is a project that showcases how to build a video course platform using Next.js and Mux. Here are the key details:

  • Features: This kit allows you to create a membership-gated video course platform. It demonstrates how to use Mux’s video APIs for uploading, encoding, and playing videos within a Next.js application.
  • Stack Details:
    • Written in TypeScript.
    • Uses Tailwind for CSS styling.
    • Data persistence is handled by Planetscale.
    • Prisma is used for the ORM.
    • NextAuth enables authentication via GitHub.
    • Mux is used for video streaming and thumbnail generation.
    • Mux Player is used for video playback.
    • Mux Uploader is used for video uploading.
  • Deployment: To deploy your own instance, you need to follow several steps, including registering for Mux and Planetscale accounts, cloning the repository, creating a .env.local file, and configuring various secrets and environment variables.
  • Database Setup: It involves setting up a MySQL-compatible serverless database using Planetscale and configuring the connection in your .env.local file.
  • Handling Webhooks: The kit explains how to handle Mux webhooks locally using ngrok to receive notifications about video status changes.
  • GitHub OAuth Setup: Users can authenticate using GitHub. You’ll need to create an OAuth App on GitHub and configure the OAuth credentials.
  • Recommended VS Code Extensions: The Prisma extension for VS Code is recommended for better development experience.

This kit provides a comprehensive example of how to create a video course platform with various modern technologies.

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