Virtual Event Starter Kit

Virtual Event Starter Kit
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: CSS Modules
Database: Redis, Supabase

The Virtual Events Starter Kit, utilized for Next.js Conf 2020 with nearly 40,000 live attendees, offers a robust framework for hosting virtual events. This template is designed to cater to a wide array of event types, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for both organizers and attendees.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Stages: Support for numerous stages, each capable of hosting multiple sessions.
  • Flexible Stage Configuration: Stages can be set up as embedded YouTube streams or as live interactive experiences using 100ms.
  • Sponsor Expo: Features virtual booths for sponsors, enhancing visibility and interaction.
  • Career Fair: A dedicated space for networking and job opportunity exploration.
  • Ticket Registration: Integrated ticket registration and generation system for attendee management.
  • Speaker Pages: Dedicated pages for speaker bios and information, enhancing speaker visibility.
  • Event Schedule: A comprehensive schedule to keep attendees informed about session timings and details.

Built Upon Three Core Principles:

  • Delegation: Leverages third-party solutions for specific conference elements, ensuring reliability and quality.
  • Flexibility: Provides an open-source codebase that can be customized to suit specific event requirements.
  • Risk Reduction: Utilizes Incremental Static Generation for a dynamic yet stable site, minimizing downtime risks.

Technical Foundation:

  • Framework: Developed using Next.js, incorporating CSS Modules and TypeScript for a robust and scalable application structure.
  • CMS Options: Supports multiple CMS platforms for content management flexibility.
  • Video Solutions: Integrates pre-recorded content via YouTube and live interactive video through 100ms.
  • Deployment: Optimized for deployment on Vercel, ensuring high availability and performance.
  • Authentication: Utilizes GitHub OAuth for secure user authentication.
  • Database: Compatible with various database solutions to fit different backend requirements.

What’s New?

The latest update introduces enhanced support for truly LIVE events, enabling real-time interaction between speakers and viewers. This addition opens up new possibilities for live webinars, community calls, hackathons, panel discussions, and multi-stage conferences.

Deployment and Local Setup:

The template is designed for easy cloning and deployment on Vercel, with integrated support for 100ms and DatoCMS. For local development, environment variables are pre-configured for a smooth setup process.

Customization and CMS Integration:

The template’s live video component and CMS integration are highly customizable. Whether using DatoCMS or exploring other supported CMS platforms like Agility, Contentful, Prismic, Sanity, or Storyblok, the template ensures a seamless integration experience.

Authentication and Database:

To unlock full functionality, including personalized ticket generation and user data management, setting up GitHub OAuth and selecting a suitable database solution is recommended.

This Virtual Events Starter Kit stands as a comprehensive solution for hosting dynamic and interactive online events, providing a solid foundation for organizers to build upon and customize according to their unique event requirements.

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