Wix Bookings: Next.js appointments starter

Wix Bookings: Next.js appointments starter
Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
  • Overview: A Next.js template that integrates Wix Headless for leveraging Wix Bookings and Wix Pricing Plans, designed for managing appointments and subscriptions in a coaching or professional services context.

Local Development Setup:

  • Prerequisites:
    • Creation of a Wix Headless project with Bookings and Pricing Plans apps added.
    • Authorization of the template via quick start deployment or OAuth app creation.
    • eCommerce settings configuration for the project.
  • Environment Variables Setup:
    • Copy .env.template to .env.local and insert the OAuth app client ID.
  • Development Server:
    • Start the development environment using yarn dev or npm run dev.
    • Access the template’s homepage at http://localhost:3000.

Template Customization:

  • Modify the homepage by editing app/page.tsx, with live updates as changes are made.
  • Additional pages can be edited or added following the app/page.tsx pattern, with route definitions as per Next.js documentation.


  • The template can be deployed on platforms supporting Next.js Version 13 and App Router, requiring the NEXT_PUBLIC_WIX_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

Learning and Customization Resources:

  • For further customization and functionality enhancements, refer to the Wix JavaScript SDK.
  • The template utilizes Next.js 13 with App Router, React Server Components, TypeScript, TanStack Query v4, Tailwind CSS, Flowbite, and the Wix client SDK.

Next Steps and Documentation:

  • Explore Next.js documentation and interactive tutorials for a deeper understanding of its features and API.
  • A comprehensive integration guide is available for configuring Wix as a headless Booking solution with Next.js, particularly useful for deployment on Vercel.

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