Tailwind CSS Blog

Type: Code
Framework: Next.js
CSS: Tailwind
The “Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog” is a comprehensive Next.js template for creating a blog website with Tailwind CSS. Here are the key features and instructions on how to use it:
- Built with Next.js and TypeScript.
- Utilizes Contentlayer to manage content logic.
- Easy styling customization with Tailwind CSS.
- Supports MDX for writing JSX in markdown documents.
- Achieves a near-perfect Lighthouse score.
- Mobile-friendly design.
- Supports light and dark themes.
- Font optimization with next/font.
- Integration with various analytics providers and commenting solutions.
- Provides a command palette search with Kbar or Algolia.
- Offers server-side syntax highlighting with line numbers.
- Supports math display using KaTeX.
- Includes citation and bibliography support.
- Automatic image optimization with next/image.
- Tag support, each unique tag has its own page.
- Supports multiple authors.
- Offers different blog layouts and listing layouts.
- Supports nested routing of blog posts.
- Includes a Projects page.
- Preconfigured security headers.
- SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps, and more.